


Type : Sell
Date : 30/10/2021
Condition : New
Location : Syokimau

Price per 5kg Block

Advantages of cocopeat as a growing medium for seedlings

•Coco peat is highly porous. This keeps the medium well aerated and loose for better root growth

Has good water holding capacity ensuring there is no overwatering or underwatering of your seedlings

•High porosity, high water holding capacity and high cation exchange capacity together mean that the quantity of coco peat required per plant can be very less.

•It is easy to transport cocopeat because it can easily be compressed

•The fact that it has zero nutrients means you can easily formulate various quantities required for your seedlings.

•It is disease and pest free compared to soil.

Available packs

•5kg block 




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  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers
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